Monday, January 18, 2010

WHY ? You ask ......

WHY ? You ask ......

Is this bird really a country's Icon ? , did it really chase away Parktown prawns ?

Let me address a few things about this bird , and make no mistake , this website is about getting rid of them to such a degree that it would be possible to wake up with out the so called "Dawn Patrol" waking you up ..

Hadada or Hadeda Ibis, Bostrychia hagedash, is a large (up to 76 cm long), dark brown ibis with a white "moustache", glossy greenish purple wings, a large black bill with a red stripe on the upper mandible, and blackish legs. (

It has a distinctively loud and recognisable
haa-haa-haa-de-dah call that is often heard when the birds are flying or are startled, hence the name.
Widespread and common throughout its large range, the Hadada Ibis is evaluated as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. (Thus if there is a few less we not too worried ? )
I would like to put it out there that these birds are very close to be a pest and as such I would like to know
  • who can point me to numbers ? ,
  • why are they a threatened species ? , on the Least concern list of IUCN .
  • When do they become a pest ?,
  • If they are how would one do selective " culling" ? ( I'm not for just shooting and killing them , key word here .."selective") .
  • Give me PROOF !!!! , please don't speculate
I believe we had made it easy for them to exist in our towns and city's , with luscious greens that supply enough food and hardly any natural predator besides the occasional dog and human .Just cast your mind back 10 years ...The most loudest bird besides chickens was "Kwe" birds ...It was strange to see them in town ...( Pretoria ) NOW ... ?? Hadeda's every where ! ...THIS WAS NOT SO about 10 years ago ....
If people walk in the street and yell at each other , we get upset "noise" ,
If your neigbour's dogs bark to much or to loud we get upset "noise" ,
If a "Boom-Boom" taxi goes past it irritate us "noise" .....
Because these are birds we now suppose to think differently ... did noise somehow become good or different noise ???
We have become so conditioned to them that we actually see them as the "Call of Africa" (utter nonsense) , we see them as "Icons" and there is even guest houses in their names ..

I know I will get people upset with this site , I will get people that will agree ...If I offend you at all , I apologise , as much as you have the right to get upset , I have the right to voice my opinion ."To get offended is a choice of your own free will "


Here is a possible solution ...
 It prefers to forage in moist areas with short grass where it can probe into the soft soil with its curved beak in search of sub-surface invertebrates. Hadeda ibises used to occur in large numbers on the airfield and are particularly difficult to scare off. Traditional scaring methods using visual deterrents and pyrotechnics were found to be ineffective against the ibises as they still flocked to the airfield. During mid 1999 a decision was taken to implement a long grass policy in the non-operational areas of the airfield. The implementation of the long grass policy has been effective in reducing Hadeda ibis numbers by as much as 80% at times. The graph (Fig. 3) illustrates the effectiveness of long grass on Hadeda ibis abundance before and after the implementation of the long grass policy

Leave your Comments on the Next Post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. There certainly is a Hadeda Plague in JoBurg: Hadedas are not indigenous to Gauteng. They naturally occur at the forest edges in Natal. When we cleared these for sugar plantations many found their way to the north and now love the older gardens in Gauteng with tall trees.
    The noise they create is one problem, but the mess 70 hadedas make is unbelieveable. My flock of about 8 has grown to over 70+ and the racket they generate you simply can't imagine. The mess below the trees also kills off smaller plants and i would love to find a way to remove or scare them off permanently. There is a bird sactuary close-by but clearly it also has become over populated.

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  3. I agree wholeheartedly! They wake us up at the cra k of dawn on the weekend, mess on our patio while eating the dog's food. We blast them with a pump action water gun which gives tempory relief. I did notice that when our small lawn was overdue for a cut, there were fewer of them.

  4. Hi there, I am really finished with these creatures, the disgusting noise, the crap it is never ending, they shit on everything, clothes on the washing line, entire garden etc. My front door which is the welcome area for my guests is full of the biggest shit piles. I have read all the comments but I see nothing that a person can do so that they f... off! Can one poison them? If yes, what can I get?

  5. So the only things you can do is either shoot them (which might be challenging as you might stay in a complex or actually hit them as their feathers are well protected/hard. But you are able to repel them, but this will repel all birds. The same way buildings repel them, take the top round lid cut off ftom can food, make a hole in it and hang it in a tree exposed to sunlight preferably as high up as possible. Bend the thing to make it more effective. But remember, this is going to repel all birds. =)

  6. In simple terms:
    1They destroy natural raptors' nests to build their own large open nests. This leads to a massive increase in health risk because of the well known increase in rat numbers carrying diseases. No owls, eagles etc to sort out the rats.
    2 They destroy soil quality by removing an estimated 200 tons of desperately needed earthworns per day in Gauteng. Our - ablity to plant food in healthy soil gone- the countrywide damage must be taking on catastropic proportions. They eat earthworms and produce toxic waste - nice! I have tested their guano as fertilizer and it killed all the plants even in very low concentrations. Poisonous in poop, habits and sound.
    3 Hadedas are NOT endemic but migrated here from Northern Tanzania less than 100 years ago.
    When will the people wake up to the deadly threat these creatures pose. I would like to hear from the Dept of Health a response because Nature Conservation obviously doesn't function anymore. Maybe a disastrous epidemic by a disease carried by rats will be a wake up call.
    Since I started chasing them away from my property 2 years ago a brown eagle pair have re occupied their nest that was taken over by the hadedas 8 years ago and an owl pair also returned and guess what - not a rat in sight.

  7. My area is plagued by these bloody birds! They wake me up before dawn and dont stop whining till sunset...i am loosing my mind and quite frankly they are driving me to thoughts of murder. Wish i could find a way to get them gone for good.

  8. If in certain month allows to hunt hadedas it is good for environment they are over population.
    My neighber feeds them bred every day and if she is not at home they made a nasty noise.

  9. I have a serious problem with these noisy, messy creatures right now. We have planted seeds in cloth bags and the seedlings have started to sprout. This evening two of these foghorns landed on the bags and started foraging for worms. Between them and the Egyptian geese (who have decided our pool cover is the perfect poop spot) they make such a noise (they don't keep the same sleeping hours as we do), not only do I have sleepless nights but I now have to worry about my seedlings. I cannot bring the pots indoors as there are too many and I don't have the space. I really don't know what to do anymore.

  10. They are actually growing in numbers. In the area I live in there was not this many as there was 5 years ago, there is at least 30 in a 20000m2 area now. As a result, there's more of that annoying silly sound they make at more times of the day, literally every hour I hear them screech. They disturb your sleep, your meetings if you work from home, study time ,etc etc.... I have had enough of them, they are pest's to me and am at a point now where anything goes to get rid of them, don't care who loves them and how wonderful they are for you garden, they got to go. I rather live with park town prawns tbh. I have shot them with a bb gun which has kept them out of my garden, now I use a powerful green laser which helps me chase away the ones out of reach but which are still very audible. They are also affecting the value of property in my area because nobody wants to live where it is as noisy as this due to them, they got to go, period.

    1. Hi Which laser do you use۔ I have the same probleem with these pests۔
